Orange Marmalade Without a Million Steps

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Orange marmalade is my favorite, and this technique for it, is relatively easy to do, compared to the traditional one, which I plan on doing in a future video.

Oranges (desired amount)*
Water (as needed)
Coarse sugar (50%)**
Lemon juice (10%)***
Salt (0.5%)***
Orange flower water (optional and to taste)

1 - Wash and dry oranges - grate skin on a box grater - place grated skin in a bowl and set aside;
2 - Chop oranges coarsely - put pieces in a pot, partially cover with water, bring it to a boil on high heat, then lower it to medium, and cook with the lid ajar for 30 minutes;
3 - Partially mash orange pieces with potato masher or wooden spoon, and continue to cook on medium-low for further 15 minutes with lid ajar;
4 - Place a sieve over a bowl and strain liquid, pressing orange pieces with a spoon (or let the mixture cool down and place it in a muslin bag, and squeeze)
5 - Place reserved skin, as well as the collected liquid into a pot that’s sitting on a food scale and add 50% [or up to 100%] of that number in coarse white sugar, salt, lemon juice and orange flower water;
6 - Return the pot to the stove on low heat and cook until ready;
7 - Allow it to cool a little and place it in clean glass jars, let it come to room temperature, place lids and keep in the fridge (you can also can them.)

* You can mix orange varieties to get a more complex marmalade;
** The sugar percentage should be calculated based on the weight amount of the liquid extracted after cooking the orange pieces + reserved grated skin;
*** The lemon juice and salt percentage should be calculated based on the combined weight of both liquid/zest + sugar.

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