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RSForm! Pro 3.3.9 - Joomla

RSForm! Pro 3.3.9 - Joomla

Purchase Link: RSForm! Pro 3.3.9
RSForm! Pro 3.3.9 - Joomla Extension
With RSForm!Pro you can create Joomla! forms within minutes. In fact, anyone who tried it noticed what a flexible form builder RSForm!Pro really is.

You name it - RSForm!Pro most likely has it! Some of its features: Multi-page, multi-langual, responsive, frontend submission editing, submission confirmation, conditional fields, built-in field calculation configurator, multiple spam prevention methods, including no captcha reCaptcha, PayPal payments, user registration, Google Maps and of course third party integrations such as: Mailchimp, Salesforce, ConstantContact and vtiger.
You can get a preview of the component's functionality through the RSJoomla! demo site using the link on the right.


» Compatible with Joomla! 3.10+ and 4+


» Grid builder!
» Seven Responsive HTML layouts: Responsive (CSS3), Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5, uikit 2, uikit 3, Zurb Foundation
» Six HTML layouts to choose from: inline (xhtml), two lines (xhtml), inline, two lines, two columns inline, two columns two lines
» Publish forms anywhere - inside Joomla! articles with the RSForm! Pro Content Plugin, in a template position by using the RSForm! Pro Module and anywhere else through the RSForm! Pro System Plugin
» Thank You Message - display a fully customizable HTML message after the form is submitted correctly.
» Multiple validations available - required fields, same value as other field (double check), alpha, numeric, alphanumeric, email address, unique field, USA ZIP code, phone no., credit card, custom accepted characters, IP address, URL, regex
» Placeholders: everything your visitor submits is available as a placeholder and can be used in emails and thank you messages.
» Multi-page forms
» Conditional fields (display or hide a field based on the user's selection)
» AJAX validation - validate the form without refreshing the page.
» Total control over the HTML layout
» Advanced areas - custom CSS, Javascript, PHP scripts
» SEO oriented - semantic code, meta description and meta keywords editable on the form.
» User Emails - configure an email to be sent automatically to the form submitter.
» Admin Emails - configure an email to be sent automatically to administrators.
» Additional Emails - define as many emails as you need!
» MySQL Mappings - insert submitted data into another database (local or remote)
» POST data to another location either silently or directly
» Calculations
» View submissions in the frontend by using the new Submissions Directory feature. Submissions are displayed in a tabular format, can be reordered by columns and filtered.
» Submissions can be edited in the frontend
» Extensive submissions management - export them into CSV, Excel, OpenOffice, XML.
» Built-in SEF support, no extra 3rd party extensions needed!

Available fields

» Textbox
» Textarea
» Dropdown
» Checkboxes
» Radios
» Buttons
» Password
» Upload
» Free Text (add your own HTML code)
» Calendar (popup or flat)
» Hidden
» Pagebreak (for multi-page forms)
» Birthday (d/m/y dropdowns)
» Google Map


» Collect payments through your form by using the Payment Package Plugins (PayPal and offline / wire transfer payments included).
» Fight spam with Akisment and ReCAPTCHA
» Collect leads in Salesforce, Vtiger, Zoho and more
» Add subscribers (emails) to your ConstantContact and MailChimp lists
» Google Analytics
» Create a PDF file with the submitter's information and attach it to an outgoing email!
» Create event subscription forms (RSEvents! Pro)
» Create newsletter signup forms (RSMail!)
» Replace your standard Joomla! registration form with a customized RSForm! Pro form


RSForm! Pro Feedback Module 3.0.1
RSForm! Pro List Submissions Module 3.0.4
RSForm! Pro Module 3.0.1


2Checkout 3.1.0
Akismet 3.0.1
CampaignMonitor 3.0.0
CleanTalk 3.0.2 Antispam Plugin
Cloudflare Turnstile 1.0.0 Plugin
ConstantContact 3.1.0
Content Plugin 3.0.0
Create Articles 3.0.4
dotmailer 3.0.1
eWAY 3.1.1 Payment Plugin
GetResponse 3.0.0
Google Analytics Plugin 3.0.0
Google Calendar 3.0.4 Plugin
Google reCAPTCHA v2 (Checkbox + Invisible) 3.1.1
Google reCAPTCHA v3 3.1.1
Google Sheets 3.0.1
hCaptcha 3.1.1
iyzico 3.1.0 Payment Plugin
Joomla! Captcha 3.1.1
Joomla! Registration 3.0.7 Plugin
Legacy Layouts 3.0.0 Plugin
MailChimp 3.0.2
PagSeguro 3.1.0 Payment Plugin
PayFast 3.1.0 Payment Plugin
Payment Package (Payment Plugin + PayPal + Offline) 3.1.2
PDF 3.0.3
RSEvents!Pro 3.2.1 Plugin
RSFinder! - RSForm! Pro Plugin 1.0.0
RSMail! 3.0.0 Plugin
RSTickets! Pro 3.0.1 Plugin
Salesforce Web to Case 3.0.2 Plugin
Salesforce Web2Lead 3.0.3 Plugin
System Plugin 3.0.0
VerticalResponse 3.0.1
vtiger Plugin 3.0.0
Zoho CRM 3.0.4 Plugin
Zoom 3.0.2 Plugin

3rd Party:

Font - Firefly
Library - dompdf 1.2.2
Library - dompdf 2.0.0
Library - mPDF 8.0.17


Brazilian - Portuguese 1.52.x
Czech 1.50.x
Danish 46
Dutch 1.50.21
Finnish 1.50.x
Flemish (Vlaams) 1.50.x
French 1.50.x
German 1.50.x
Greek 2.3.16
Indonesian 1.50.x
Italian 1.50.x
Japanese 1.50.0
Norwegian 1.50.x
Polish 48
Portuguese 1.50.x
Russian 1.50.x
Spanish 44
Swedish 1.50.x
Turkish 2.3.x


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RSForm! Pro 3.3.9 - Joomla


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