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  • 24-7
  • RSComments! 1.14.1 - rscomments-1.14.1
    RSComments! 1.14.1 - Joomla Extension
    User-friendly, customizable and packed with features like emoticons, BBCode, user permissions and importing from other commenting components among many others, RSComments! makes up for a complete solution for your website's commenting sections (articles, content, blogs, product pages). You can check out the component on the RSJoomla! demo using the link on the right


    » Compatible with Joomla! 3.x


    » Integrates with Joomla! articles
    » System Plugin allows placement of comments in 3rd party extensions
    » Spam and flood protection
    » Back-end editor button for enabling comments
    » Integration with Akismet
    » Built-in CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA integration
    » Accepts avatars from Gravatar, CB, JomSocial and Kunena
    » Custom layouts to display the comments
    » E-mail notifications
    » Voting on comments
    » Smilies & BBcode
    » Ajax validation when submitting comments
    » Censor words
    » Enable RSS on comments
    » Groups with permissions
    » Easy import from 3rd party commenting components
    » Global mask for date and time
    » Configurable comment messages: closed, denied, notification, subscription
    » Subscribing to threads
    » Terms and conditions
    » File uploads
    » Limit comment length
    » Accordion effect


    » Frontend Latest Comments module
    » CPanel (backend) Latest Comments module

    Additional Info


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  • RSForm! Pro 3.3.9 - Joomla
    Purchase Link: RSForm! Pro 3.3.9
    RSForm! Pro 3.3.9 - Joomla Extension
    With RSForm!Pro you can create Joomla! forms within minutes. In fact, anyone who tried it noticed what a flexible form builder RSForm!Pro really is.

    You name it - RSForm!Pro most likely has it! Some of its features: Multi-page, multi-langual, responsive, frontend submission editing, submission confirmation, conditional fields, built-in field calculation configurator, multiple spam prevention methods, including no captcha reCaptcha, PayPal payments, user registration, Google Maps and of course third party integrations such as: Mailchimp, Salesforce, ConstantContact and vtiger.
    You can get a preview of the component's functionality through the RSJoomla! demo site using the link on the right.


    » Compatible with Joomla! 3.10+ and 4+


    » Grid builder!
    » Seven Responsive HTML layouts: Responsive (CSS3), Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5, uikit 2, uikit 3, Zurb Foundation
    » Six HTML layouts to choose from: inline (xhtml), two lines (xhtml), inline, two lines, two columns inline, two columns two lines
    » Publish forms anywhere - inside Joomla! articles with the RSForm! Pro Content Plugin, in a template position by using the RSForm! Pro Module and anywhere else through the RSForm! Pro System Plugin
    » Thank You Message - display a fully customizable HTML message after the form is submitted correctly.
    » Multiple validations available - required fields, same value as other field (double check), alpha, numeric, alphanumeric, email address, unique field, USA ZIP code, phone no., credit card, custom accepted characters, IP address, URL, regex
    » Placeholders: everything your visitor submits is available as a placeholder and can be used in emails and thank you messages.
    » Multi-page forms
    » Conditional fields (display or hide a field based on the user's selection)
    » AJAX validation - validate the form without refreshing the page.
    » Total control over the HTML layout
    » Advanced areas - custom CSS, Javascript, PHP scripts
    » SEO oriented - semantic code, meta description and meta keywords editable on the form.
    » User Emails - configure an email to be sent automatically to the form submitter.
    » Admin Emails - configure an email to be sent automatically to administrators.
    » Additional Emails - define as many emails as you need!
    » MySQL Mappings - insert submitted data into another database (local or remote)
    » POST data to another location either silently or directly
    » Calculations
    » View submissions in the frontend by using the new Submissions Directory feature. Submissions are displayed in a tabular format, can be reordered by columns and filtered.
    » Submissions can be edited in the frontend
    » Extensive submissions management - export them into CSV, Excel, OpenOffice, XML.
    » Built-in SEF support, no extra 3rd party extensions needed!

    Available fields

    » Textbox
    » Textarea
    » Dropdown
    » Checkboxes
    » Radios
    » Buttons
    » Password
    » Upload
    » Free Text (add your own HTML code)
    » Calendar (popup or flat)
    » Hidden
    » Pagebreak (for multi-page forms)
    » Birthday (d/m/y dropdowns)
    » Google Map


    » Collect payments through your form by using the Payment Package Plugins (PayPal and offline / wire transfer payments included).
    » Fight spam with Akisment and ReCAPTCHA
    » Collect leads in Salesforce, Vtiger, Zoho and more
    » Add subscribers (emails) to your ConstantContact and MailChimp lists
    » Google Analytics
    » Create a PDF file with the submitter's information and attach it to an outgoing email!
    » Create event subscription forms (RSEvents! Pro)
    » Create newsletter signup forms (RSMail!)
    » Replace your standard Joomla! registration form with a customized RSForm! Pro form


    RSForm! Pro Feedback Module 3.0.1
    RSForm! Pro List Submissions Module 3.0.4
    RSForm! Pro Module 3.0.1


    2Checkout 3.1.0
    Akismet 3.0.1
    CampaignMonitor 3.0.0
    CleanTalk 3.0.2 Antispam Plugin
    Cloudflare Turnstile 1.0.0 Plugin
    ConstantContact 3.1.0
    Content Plugin 3.0.0
    Create Articles 3.0.4
    dotmailer 3.0.1
    eWAY 3.1.1 Payment Plugin
    GetResponse 3.0.0
    Google Analytics Plugin 3.0.0
    Google Calendar 3.0.4 Plugin
    Google reCAPTCHA v2 (Checkbox + Invisible) 3.1.1
    Google reCAPTCHA v3 3.1.1
    Google Sheets 3.0.1
    hCaptcha 3.1.1
    iyzico 3.1.0 Payment Plugin
    Joomla! Captcha 3.1.1
    Joomla! Registration 3.0.7 Plugin
    Legacy Layouts 3.0.0 Plugin
    MailChimp 3.0.2
    PagSeguro 3.1.0 Payment Plugin
    PayFast 3.1.0 Payment Plugin
    Payment Package (Payment Plugin + PayPal + Offline) 3.1.2
    PDF 3.0.3
    RSEvents!Pro 3.2.1 Plugin
    RSFinder! - RSForm! Pro Plugin 1.0.0
    RSMail! 3.0.0 Plugin
    RSTickets! Pro 3.0.1 Plugin
    Salesforce Web to Case 3.0.2 Plugin
    Salesforce Web2Lead 3.0.3 Plugin
    System Plugin 3.0.0
    VerticalResponse 3.0.1
    vtiger Plugin 3.0.0
    Zoho CRM 3.0.4 Plugin
    Zoom 3.0.2 Plugin

    3rd Party:

    Font - Firefly
    Library - dompdf 1.2.2
    Library - dompdf 2.0.0
    Library - mPDF 8.0.17


    Brazilian - Portuguese 1.52.x
    Czech 1.50.x
    Danish 46
    Dutch 1.50.21
    Finnish 1.50.x
    Flemish (Vlaams) 1.50.x
    French 1.50.x
    German 1.50.x
    Greek 2.3.16
    Indonesian 1.50.x
    Italian 1.50.x
    Japanese 1.50.0
    Norwegian 1.50.x
    Polish 48
    Portuguese 1.50.x
    Russian 1.50.x
    Spanish 44
    Swedish 1.50.x
    Turkish 2.3.x


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  • RSFiles! 1.17.3 - Joomla


    Purchase Link: RSFiles! 1.17.3 - Joomla


    RSFiles! 1.17.3 - Joomla Extension
    RSFiles! is the perfect Joomla! files and downloads manager, you can easily create a download area for your site visitors in three simple steps: set the download folder, upload the files and creating a menu item. If you want each user to have his own private download section, then this can also be achieved through the Briefcase folder functionality. We at RSJoomla! highly recommend you give this a try.


    » Easily add files by uploading multiple files at once!
    » Group restrictions - choose which Joomla! groups have access, what they are permitted to do and where.
    » Briefcase - allow individual users to upload & download their own documents.
    » Responsive layouts, powered by Bootstrap!
    » Front-end maintenance - no need to give your managers back-end access. They will be able to add, delete and edit files straight from the front-end.
    » License agreements
    » Set download limits per files.
    » Download by email - force your visitors to supply an email address in order to download the file.
    » Mirrors - for each file you can define a set of mirros.
    » Statistics
    » Set your own custom download folder.
    » Secure the download folder with a .htaccess that prevents people from linking directly to your documents!
    » CAPTCHA and ReCAPTCHA spam prevention methods are supported!
    » RSS feeds
    » Bookmarks
    » Emails can be sent when a file is downloaded, uploaded, reported (eg. broken links).


    » RSMail! - automatically subscribe to a mailing list when the user inputs his email address to download a file.


    » Joomla! Search Plugin - allows a visitor to find files when using the Joomla! search.


    » Latest files - display a list of the latest files.
    » Folder content viewer - display files or folders from a pre-configured path.

    Additional Info



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  • RSTickets! Pro v3.1.1 - Joomla


    Purchase Link: RSTickets! Pro v3.1.1 - Joomla


    RSTickets! Pro v3.1.1 - Joomla Extension
    Report plugin for RSTickets!Pro

    This RSTickets!Pro Report plugin is commercial and needs to be purchased separately. You can buy it by accessing Customer Area > My memberships > Active Memberships > clicking the 'Buy Extra Plugins' button of your RSTickets!Pro license. After the transaction is completed you will be able to download the plugin from Downloads > Paid Downloads > Modules & Plugins for the RSTickets!Pro license.


    In the backend of your Joomla! installation go to Extensions > Manage > Install, and upload and install the plugin. Next thing would be to check if the plugin is published, and to do so, navigate to Extensions > Plugins, search for the "System - RSTickets! Pro Reports" plugin and ensure it is published.

    Report types:

    Number of submitted tickets:
    the report will take into consideration the overall number of submitted tickets.

    Ticket solving time:
    the ticket solving time takes into consideration the date of the first ticket reply and closing date per ticket. This report type has two additional filters - time unit (minutes,hours, days) and data category (by department or staff member).

    Number of replies:
    the number of ticket replies that were required to get the ticket into closed state. This too has an additional data group filter: By department and By staff

    Customer feedback:
    can generate a report based on the rating that can be provided at the end of each ticket - By department or By staff members

    Response time:
    this takes into consideration the amount of time that passes since the ticket was submitted until it got the first reply. This report type has two additional filters: time unit (minutes,hours, days) and data category (by department or staff member)

    Assigned tickets:
    number of tickets assigned to staff members


    Filter by time period:
    When generating a report you don't need to necessarily include all your tickets. You can set two calendar fields - Start date and End date.

    Filter by department:
    In the report, you can set what departments to be included in the generated graph.

    Filter by staff member:
    check which staff members to be included in your report.

    Filter by customer:
    you can monitor a certain customer activity over time.

    Filter by priority:
    you can filter out tickets included in the report base by its priority.

    Color coding has been added so you can tell apart the different lines.
    You can set color codes to each department and staff member.
    On the right side of the chart you will see a legend with the current color codes so that you can easily identify the data in the graph.


    Additional Info



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  • RSSEO! v1.21.21 - SEO Component for Joomla


    Purchase Link: RSSEO! v1.21.21 - SEO Component for Joomla


    SP Booking v2.1.1 - Complete Travel Booking Extension for Joomla - Joomla Extension


    RSSeo! is packed with tools that will help you improve the overall SEO score of your Joomla! 3.x site. With this RSJoomla! SEO tool, metadata can be managed with ease from a single location. Creating sitemaps, handling error pages or setting up redirects or tracking your website performance compared to your competition are just a few of the features that we are proud of.

    * Monitor and compare the SEO performances of your competitors against yours
    * Compare them using compare.com
    * Check the page rank, google, yahoo and bing backlinks and the number of indexed pages

    Website Pages:
    * Index all your website pages
    * Each page gets a grade based on its SEO performance
    * Follow the simple instructions to optimize each and every page and make it SEO perfect
    * Set up Unique title for each page, unique description and set up keywords

    * Set up permanent or temporary redirects for the old links

    * Generate the complete Google and Yahoo! Sitemap for ALL your website!

    * Crawl all your website to index all the web pages
    * Set up links that you want to ignore from crawling(ideal for user profiles, etc..)
    * Set up automatic crawler to index new found pages when these are visited

    * Monitor your Google position for the keywords that are important to your business
    * Automatically bold, underline or assign links to keywords when they are found in the front-end

    Integration with Google Analytics
    * Traffic sources report
    * Visitors report
    * Content report


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  • RSBlog v1.14.2 - Joomla Blog Extension


    Purchase Link: RSBlog v1.14.2 - Joomla Blog Extension


    RSBlog v1.14.2 - Joomla Blog Extension - Joomla Extension


    RSBlog! makes Joomla! blogging easy with a set of tools suitable for any blog type. Social networking comes hand in hand with blogging quite often, the RSJoomla! blog solution allows you to automatically publish your posts directly on Facebook and Twitter, saving you valuable time. If you are constantly on the move you can easily keep your blog updated through the "Remote publishing" functionality.


    » Quickly create posts straight from the dashboard.
    » Password protect blog posts.
    » Custom profiles - Set author name & info / bio, add an avatar, configure each author's Metadata.
    » Social oriented - Automatically publish posts to your Twitter account, Facebook account or page(s).
    » Remote publishing (via email) - Send an email to a pre-configured email address and your blog post will appear instantly!
    » Subscriptions - Keep your readers up to date by allowing them to subscribe via email to your blog.
    » Trackbacks and Pingbacks - Stay connected with other blogs through pingbacks and trackbacks.
    » Auto-archive posts - Keep your blog clean by automatically archiving old posts!
    » Groups - Granular control over what your users see, submit or edit on your blog.


    » RSComments! - A blog without comments is not a blog. That's why we're offering a complementary & free RSComments! subscription
    » Other comments - Facebook, Disqus, JComments, JomComment
    » Avatars - RSBlog!, Gravatar, Community Builder, JomSocial, Kunena
    » PDF Plugin - Allow your visitors to download your blog post as a PDF file


    » Joomla! Article Manager
    » K2 articles & categories
    » Your old WordPress blog!


    » Archived Posts
    » Popular Posts
    » Recent Posts
    » Calendar
    » Categories
    » Tags


    » Blog
    » Create Post
    » Single Post
    » Tag Cloud


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  • RSDirectory v2.2.0 - Joomla


    Purchase Link: RSDirectory v2.2.0 - Joomla


    RSDirectory v2.2.0 - Joomla Extension
    RSDirectory! is RSJoomla!'s solution for building a directory management system. With it, you can create and manage an unlimited number of categories and entries, set up custom entry addition forms for each category, define advanced filters and implement payments.


    • Compatible with Joomla! 3.x
    • Support for GD + Freetype for thumbnail rendering and CAPTCHA
    • fsockopen enabled for reCAPTCHA
    • cURL required for the Payment Plugins


    • Import your SobiPro content
    • Import your Mosets Tree content
    • Advanced category management - Set up categories nested on unlimited levels to ease browsing through entries
    • Full control over entry addition forms - Collect all of the data needed for each type of entries using
    • Customizable entry layout - Choose what information will be displayed on the entry page (and in what manner) using a combination of HTML code and placeholders
    • Payment integrations and credits system - Charge users for adding entries through 4 available payment integrations: PayPal, Authorize.Net, 2Checkout or Offline Payments
    • Reports, ratings and reviews - Empower your users to freely express their opinion on each entry by allowing them to post reviews and rate the entries, as well as report them should they be inappropriate or posted in the wrong categories
    • Antispam capabilities - Protect the website from spam using either the default CAPTCHA or by integrating the famous reCAPTCHA
    • Send emails - Notify your users, by email, when their entries get either published, unpublished, deleted or let them know that they were posted successfully
    • Configure advanced filters - Choose which fields to filter entries by. Advanced customization options are available, giving you full control over
    • Advanced configuration options - All of these features have multiple configuration options that allow you to take the website in your desired direction
    • Responsive design - The Bootstrap-based frontend layout will bring the website to every possible platform

    Available menu items

    • List Categories
    • List Entries
    • Buy Credits
    • Add Entry
    • Map Radius Search
    • Categories from Field Values
    • My Account
    • Single Entry
    • Favorites
    • My Entries

    Available modules

    • Categories
    • Filtering
    • Credits
    • Popular Entries
    • Recently Visited Entries
    • Related Entries
    • Newest Entries
    • Entries Carousel
    • Simple Search
    • Top Rated Entries

    Additional Info



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  • RSMediaGallery! v2.1.3 - Joomla


    Purchase Link: RSMediaGallery! v2.1.3 - Joomla


    RSMediaGallery! v2.1.3 - Joomla Extension


    RSMediaGallery! is a Joomla! rich media and image management extension that will allow your users to see slideshows with transition effects, posted as specialized menu items, inside Joomla! Articles or in any third party components with the focus on image support. With an easy-to-use interface, you just need to tag and label your images, arrange your items with drag and drop actions and you are ready to go.

    • Easy to use image management
    • Images are grouped based on tags
    • Powerful slideshow functionality
    • Easily integrated in Joomla! articles
    • Pinterest and Flickr integration through the RSShowcase! module
    • Create albums with your images
    • Front-end filtering for galleries
    • Import functionality for local images
    • Automatic thumbnails generation



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  • RSFirewall 3.1.2


    Purchase Link: RSFirewall 3.1.2


    RSFirewall 3.1.2 - Joomla Extension
    RSFirewall! is the most advanced Joomla! security extension, developed by us at RSJoomla!, that you can use to protect your Joomla! website from intrusions and hacker attacks. It's backed up by a team of experts that are trained to be always up to date with the latest known vulnerabilities and security updates, making RSFirewall! the best choice in keeping your website safe.

    Keep your website safe


    Backend Password - Add an extra layer of security by typing in a password before logging in the administration!
    Blacklist - Block unwanted (single or multiple using wildcards ..., CIDR notation and ranges) IP addresses.
    IPv6 support
    Whitelist - Bypass protections for selected IPs.
    Stop brute-force login attempts - Capture login attempts (as well as incorrect passwords).
    Malware database - Detects obfuscated, encoded as well as potentially dangerous files (eg. base64encode, eval, gzinflate, pregreplace /e)
    Automatically drop dangerous files when they're uploaded - such as .php, .js, .exe, .com, .bat, .cmd
    Disable the creation of new Administrators
    Protects selected Administrators from any changes - including password change!
    Log all security events and send messages to specified email address(es)
    Powerful exception system - Disable protections based on User Agent, URL or component (regular expressions allowed).
    Database Check - Optimize & repair your database tables.
    Display CAPTCHA in the administration section after a predefined number of failed login attempts.

    Active Protections

    Country blocking - Allows you to select which countries have access to your Joomla! website (also blocks anonymous proxies). Based on GeoIP Lite Country database.
    Local file inclusion (LFI)
    Remote file inclusion (RFI)
    SQL injection (SQLi)
    HTML, Javascript and CSS filtering (XSS)
    Denial of Service (DoS) - Block unwanted User Agents
    Automatic blacklist
    Actively scans POST and GET variables.
    Keeps an eye on sensitive Joomla! files and alerts you if they are changed.

    System Check

    Check for the latest Joomla! & RSFirewall! versions.
    Provides suggestions on how to tighten your PHP & Joomla! configuration.
    Scan Joomla! core files for integrity.
    Scan files and folders for common permission errors.
    Scan files for common malware.

     Use Learning file for create hash file in downloaded package.

    Additional Info



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