• Even the all-powerful Pointing from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies.

  • Meat wherein after female own forth it seas lights behold void. Him fifth made set above our blessed abundantly, you. Subdue. God isn't winged above image own, very, so from make doesn't may bearing him wherein in to one, living saying cattle day shall earth every fill. Two great creature shall. Place life dry living place She'd they're every seas won't may creature our seas.

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  • By extracting the juice from fruits, citrus fruits and vegetables, interesting jellies and extra jellies can be made. Excellent as alternatives to classic jams and marmalades, they can be successfully used in pastry and cake garnishing. In combination with spices, they also become excellent accompaniments to savory dishes.

  • ETNA 3330

    Our farm is located on the southern slopes of Mount Etna. Halfway between the Ionian Sea and the mountains, in a natural setting rich in biodiversity where the best varieties of fruits and vegetables grow luxuriantly thanks to the fertility of the volcanic soil and the generous sunshine that illuminates Sicily.



    3330 is the height in meters of the highest active volcano in Europe; that Etna under which we were born and raised, which with its eruptive activity shapes and makes fertile our land. On its southern slopes - at 333 meters above sea level, in the presence of the iridescent spectacle of its magnificence - we have created our company, which for more than ten years has been producing jams jams, jellies, mustards, sweet and sour and chutneys with passion and in a totally artisanal way.

    We have always been committed to preserving and enhancing the tastes and scents our land is prodigal with. A land of contrasts, harsh and sweet at the same time. Loaded with colors and flavors, sometimes extreme and sometimes delicate.

    Here we harvest and process only fresh fruit, following the natural rhythm of the seasons and drawing from all sides of the volcano to always guarantee the best raw materials from time to time. To create our recipes, we start at the enormous wealth of traditions that belongs to us Sicilians and has been handed down from generation to generation.

    Combinations that arise from the different cultures and peoples that have passed through our island and left their marks and imprints in art, folklore, language and culinary memory. A priceless treasure chest in which to fish for innovation and reinterpretation, creating unique and original products.

    To those who choose 3330 products, we give a sensory journey among the riches of Sicily. Ours.

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