*Supports both HTML5 & FLASH.
*Support all major Joomla versions
*Support responsive templates
*Handle variety of Media formats that flash can handle such as flv, mp4, 3g2, 3gp, aac, f4b, f4p, f4v, m4a, m4v, mov(h.264), sdp, vp6.
*Color the skin on your Own.
*Flexible options to add Videos either by simply providing Video URL (or) using UPLOAD method.
*True Streaming methods like RTMP and Lighttpd.
*CDN streaming like Amazon Cloudfront, Highwinds SMIL and Bitgravity Streaming.
*Categorization of Videos.
*Front-end user upload.
*Modules for Both Player View and Gallery Views.
*Content Player Plugin for articles.
*Facebook & Komento Commenting options.
*Style the front-end of the Component using the admin integrated Custom CSS field.
*Translatable and SEF compatible.
*Rather than the Page Link, Share the Player itself in Facebook (with https disabled in your facebook account).
*Enable (or) Disable Auto Approval for Front-end Uploaded Videos.
*Options to control Thumbnail Dimensions in both Module and the Component.
*Overwrite Player's width & height properties in Module and Plugin.
*Added Search Module to search the Videos (Functions based on the Category Name, Video Title and Keywords / Tags added in the Video admin).
*Related Videos Inside the Player.
*Option to Enable / Disable unwanted Video Types for Front-End Upload section.
*Option to create Sub Categories.
*Support for Breadcrumbs.
*Ability to add Title and Description in Player Module.
*Custom Meta Keywords and Meta Description for both categories and videos.
*Single and Multi Videos Layout in Menu manager.
*Option to Play Latest and Popular Video using Player Module.
*Thumbnail option made as optional and default image will be added while the field is empty.
*Option to set both the videos and categories as Public or Registered.
*JComments integration. Could be configured through General Configuration Panel.
*Ability to show custom video ads.
Additional Info
- Version:3.6.1 - 4.2.2
- Compatibility:J3, J4
- Includes:Component, Module, Plugin
- Demo:Demo
- Documentation:Document
- Support:Support
- in Joomla.org:All Video Share
- Developer:Vinoth Kumar
- Change Log:Change Log
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