Ol Content Modal v4.0.11 - Joomla The module allows to display articles, custom or k2 items on a popup modal. Show full article in popup window and use navigation arrows to go to next article.General settings
Modal pop up: Popup Center, Popup right, Popup left, No PopupStyle: Dark Square, White Square, Dark slide up v1, Dark slide up v2, White slide up, Dark slide up v3, Round, Card Round, Card Square, Card Square v2Version: Standard or SliderItem DisatanceLoad JqueryArticles
OSCampus is incredibly robust and is already used by 1,000's of people every week. OSCampus runs the video training on OSTraining, and its architecture is the basis for Joomlashack University and the official Joomla.org training site!
Our Joomla sitemap extension is the most popular, it's very easy to use, and will save you a lot of time.
No hacks of core files. Community Builder, JomSocial, EasySocial and Joomla profile integration. OSMap and AlphaUserPoints plugins.
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